Upload Facebook profile picture without that cropping SHIT method ( 2017 )!

shihab P M
1 min readNov 29, 2017


A small shitty post that might help some frustrated guys out there

So here it is guys! Just 3 simple steps that worked for me.

STEP 1: via mobile app create a new album with some random name and change its privacy to “Only ME” and upload the pic that you wish to make it as profile pic into this album.

STEP 2: login to facebook via desktop https://www.facebook.com and navigate to the pic that you just uploaded into newly created album.

STEP 3: Now if have opened the pic a modal should pop up and in the pic section down there click on options link and select “make profile picture” link button.

STEP 4: Now here is the trick, you will be asked to crop the image. So look down for link “ Skip Cropping” and click Savebutton and you are done.

If you guys came with a simple trick that this shit what I posted. you are most welcome to comment the link below ;)




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